Wizard of Oz Teaser

The Wizard of Oz opened at The Swift Current Comp High school yesterday, a play that has been in the works since the beginning of the school year.

"Everybody should definitely come and see it and just see all the kids' hard work pay off because there's so many people that have put in countless hours and deserve to be rewarded," said Golden.

Many of the actors have been practicing 4 days a week to make sure everything runs smoothly during the shows.

"We had to do lots of blocking and not much eating I guess, not many supper breaks. Lots of working hour after hour, but it all paid off," said Chloe Golden who plays Dorothy in the production.

Golden said their debut went smoothly, opening to an energetic crowd in the evening.

"First we had a matinee in the afternoon, some schools from out of town. I think that went pretty well but not as well as the evening show, it was just amazing and the energy level was up way more and the audience was so responsive and it was so much fun," said Golden.

The play itself is a traditional take on the story with just a few twists thrown in to make the production more modern.

Tickets are available at Pharmasave, 15 dollars for adults and 10 dollars for students and seniors.