A Walk for Alzheimer's event held at the University of Regina (Photo: Angela Klassen)

The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan has launched the first-ever Walk for Alzheimer's in Swift Current.

"The Walk for Alzheimer's is a fun outdoor evening walk fundraiser... and all of the funds that are raised help provide support, information and education to people affected by dementia, and research into a cause and a cure," said Angela Klassen, Event Coordinator for the Alzheimer Society. "The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan has been very fortunate to be able to expand our support to communities across the province, and Swift Current is one of the locations that we have staffed with a FirstLink coordinator to provide support directly to the Swift Current community members, so it's only natural that we start to fundraise in those communities that have shown the greatest need."

The walk is scheduled for Tuesday, June 16th, on the all-weather track at the Swift Current Comprehensive High School, and Klassen adds the local response for the walk has already been very positive.

"The preparations have been great so far," she added. "Everybody we've contacted and the volunteers have been really receptive and supportive of the launch, and it's absolutely fabulous."

Klassen says those interested in volunteering can call her at 306-949-3405, or you can register a team by visiting walkforalzheimerssk.ca.