Calendar-wise spring is set to begin in about two weeks and the weather is expected to be following suit.

Beginning tomorrow Environment Canada is calling for warmer temperatures across southwestern Saskatchewan as the cold arctic moves out.

Environment Canada Meteorologist Terri Lang said she expects the next couple of weeks to be much warmer than the past five weeks have been.

"We have a return flow of south to southwesterly winds and that's actually going to bring in warmer temperatures, finally," she said. "All the models agree that we're moving towards a milder regime, thank goodness because I think we're all sick of the cold."

The temperature on Monday and Tuesday are expected to rise above the freezing mark for the first time since it was 1 C back on January 31.

"All the models are going towards a warmer milder solution, still not the time to break out the flip-flops or the suntan oil, but it will feel quite tropical out there," Lang said.

According to Environment Canada, it will be a sunny five-day stretch starting on Friday and continuing through Tuesday.