Phase One of the 2019 Western Canada Summer Games brought athletes, their family member, and the many sports fans to Swift Current, and the host organization is excited about how things have been getting on.

At a press conference yesterday morning, two members of the organization gave an update as to how one of the largest events in Swift Current's history has been affecting the area.

Denise Levorson and Morgan Montgomery, co-directors of sport and venue for the 2019 Western Canada Summer Games, said that they were excited to jump into phase two.

"I think what's so incredibly spectacular about the games," Levorson said during the conference, "is that more than 17,000 athletes are here from Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Manitoba, Alberta, and Saskatchewan competing in these 16 sports at 13 venues here in Swift Current and our surrounding area."

Soccer, mountain biking, as well as the Firelight Festival faced some rain-based challenges that were accommodated.

The Festival was partially moved into the Stockade building at Kinetic Park, while soccer was moved to the Swift Current Comprehensive High School's field, and one mountain biking event was cancelled.

At the onset of the games, volunteer numbers being bellowed their goal number of 2,000 was also on the minds of organizers, but they say they've seen extra support from their volunteers, as well as volunteer signups continuing to be submitted.

"When we've had some shortfalls at some venues [for volunteers] we've had volunteers step up because...they came into their shift and wanted to do more, so we're seeing not too many gaps, and people are stepping up."

The games also saw the first-ever beach volleyball team from Nunavut to compete in the Western Canada Summer Games, an exciting proposition for the co-chairs.

Montgomery said that being able to provide young athletes with the opportunity to compete was a highlight in of itself.

"There's an 11-year-old athlete from Manitoba who actually got a medal in C4 [kayaking] yesterday [Sunday]. What a great experience for him. We were talking to him in the village last night, he's just beaming with pride."

A special thanks was issued for members of the community such as volunteers, sponsors, funding partners, and participants involved in the Games.

Viewership was also a point of pride for the co-chairs, having sold out of their original amount of day passes, and boasting an attendance of 800 for a softball game.