The province has seen two straight days of only a single new case of COVID-19.

As Premier Scott Moe correctly points out, with the exception of two outbreaks; first in LaLoche and later in the RM of Maple Creek, the rest of the province has seen almost no pushback so far from the careful and methodical reopening that the government has been tip-toeing around.

So why the wait? Why not open everything all at once and get back to normal except in areas of outbreaks.

It's a question that Premier Moe has been asked enough times that he took time out of his regular press conference to answer it.

"With the low case numbers throughout most of Saskatchewan, I know people here are asking why can't we just reopen everything right now. Why can't we just remove all of the restrictions and the guidelines and get everything back to normal?  Well, trust me when I say I would like to do that as much as anyone. But it's just not realistic. Because the risk of the spread of COVID-19 has not disappeared."

He pointed to areas south of the border; places like Florida, Arizona and Texas, warning about new case numbers spiking and how quickly the virus can spread if the province stops following the practices that have got it to this point.

"It's great that things here are getting more or less back to normal. Businesses are open. More people are back to work each and every day. We can go to the beach. We can go to the park and the playground. We can visit our kids and our kids can play sports. We shouldn't be scared or worried to do any of these things at any point. But we still have to keep doing things a little differently."

He likened the ongoing precautions to a life-jacket, relating that people are not afraid of going out on the water; not afraid to live their lives, but they still wear a life-jacket, just in case.

He calls it a smart thing to do.

"No one should feel scared or worried to go out and about and do the things that you normally would do. But just be safe about it. Keep your lifejacket on. Physical distancing. Washing your hands and using hand sanitizer."