Saturday night, the Swift Current Wildlife Federation hosted their annual conservation dinner and auction.

After all, the money was counted, and the bills are paid the night raised about $40,000.

Dave Gloeckler, Fundraising Chairmen for the Swift Current Wildlife Federation, said that it was great to see so many people come to the dinner and auction on a big night in Swift Current.

"That's pretty nice," he said. "We have a lot of members and a lot of members that are Broncos ticket holders. A lot of them said I could go to the Broncos lots, and I can only go to this once, so they showed up, and that means a lot to us. That keeps us doing all of our programs for another year."

Gloeckler said that the money they raised would be used for a number of their projects.

"We raise pheasants and release them, so we spend money on our pheasant's program. We usually donate to the Sask Wildlife Federation, and we're looking at buying a little piece of property down in this area."

Gloeckler added they're looking forward to next year already; starting to pick out some auction and raffle prizes.