GPC 2014


The 3rd Annual Great Plains Carharrts & Caviar Welding Fundraising Auction is fast approaching and tickets are now available for pre-order.

The auction, put on by Acklands-Grainger showcases a variety of unique pieces of metal art created by students in the welding certificate class at the college as well as local companies.

"It's been a great event and it's very well recognized in the community and well received by our students and staff at the college and it's pretty exciting as we have a number of very unique and beautiful pieces of art that our welding students and instructors put together for us." says Michel Cyrenne Director of Development "We usually have a minimum of 200 people at the event. We raise a pretty good amount of money and that money goes towards scholarships for welding students as well as the welding program itself."

Tickets are $25 and can be ordered at the Great Plains College. All pre-order purchases must be made before 4pm today.