Local Personal Trainer Lyris Cappelle has been sharing her knowledge for the past couple of years.

     She says it isn't a secret that diet, excercise, and commitment are all that's required to get in shape and change someone's lifestyle.

     "I can lay out the best diet and best excercise program in the world, but it's the client that has to follow it.  I don't accept a lot of excuses, so if somebody has 30 minutes to watch TV at night, then you have 30 minutes to get moving.  I'm not interested in seeing somebody do something for 6 weeks or 12 weeks, and then not be able to keep up with it.  It's a lot of education in how to change their lifestyle so that this can be something that's ongoing.

     Cappelle says she has a waiting list of people wanting her help.  For more information, you can check out her website at www.lyriscappelle.com.