"The Day I Discovered a Dinosaur Bone" is the fifth children's book, just put out by Simmie author, Melanie Larson.

The new book tells the story of a trio of brothers from the Saskatchewan Badlands who go searching for dinosaur bones, and their adventures learning about the archeological history of southern Saskatchewan.

Larson's other books cover a range of Saskatchewan themed stories for kids including stories about tractor troubles and the Cypress Hills.

She says she is also hoping to write books about farming, mining and the oil and gas industry in Saskatchewan.

She says, "I love Saskatchewan, and I think there's so many great things to do in Saskatchewan. So, I think the possibility for writing books about things that you can do in Saskatchewan and discover in Saskatchewan are kind of endless right now."

She added that she was inspired to write these stories after she got thinking about her own discoveries as a child growing up in the province.

Larson's books can be purchased in Eastend at Kranky's, in Shaunavon at the Grand Coteau Center or Ranchhouse Meats, in Maple Creek at Cowtown Kids Toy and Candy, in Blumenort at the Garden of Eden Greenhouse, in Swift Current at Pharmasave and at the Swift Current Museum, in Mankota at Country Corral, or on Amazon or her website at www.mlarsonbooks.com