estevan summer games
Officials in Estevan celebrate their successful bid

They made the podium, but couldn't quite capture the gold.

Despite a bid they were very confident in, Swift Current was left out in the cold in their attempt to host the 2016 Saskatchewan Summer Games.

Estevan won the day and will host the games for the first time since 1980.

"The committee put in a heck of a bid," said Swift Current General Manager of Community Services Dean Robson. "I don't know that disappointing actually sums it up. I think when we learned that Estevan would be the host... I think we were kind of in shock."

That's more a reflection of his confidence in the strength of their bid as opposed to the weakness of Estevan's.

Dean Robson Interview"I certainly would like to know the areas we were, to put it blunt, beaten out in," Robson said. "I find it not even disheartening... it must be a heck of a bid... we were one of the only of the four communities submitting bids that actually had a track facility for instance."

Swift Current was on the shortlist along with Humboldt and Melfort, and hadn't hosted the Summer Games since 1976. They had been unsuccessful for the games in 2004 and Robson felt they had addressed their weaknesses.

"Areas where we were lacking were for example a rubberized track surface which we now have and of course is great anyway moving forward," he noted. "As well as accommodations. Back in early 2000, 2004 at that time the accommodations in the community probably were lacking. Those two things that were deficiencies in the past were well taken care of."

Now the city can only look at it as an opportunity lost and focus on future chances to utilize their improved facilities.

Jerrod Schafer Interview"You're disappointed for everybody that put in so much work and effort," said Mayor Jerrod Schafer. "I'm disappointed for lots of parents too. There was lots of excitement for the potential of hosting the summer games and what it would mean for our community... but obviously congratulations to the City of Estevan."

Schafer anticipates the new track will get plenty of use regardless of their hosting of a major event in the near future. Meanwhile, Robson anticipates they will bid again. He just can't say when.

"I guess you sometimes do not get rewarded for hard work. You certainly have to look at it as needing to put in a little more precise bid... kudos to Estevan and I'm sure it will be a great 2016 Summer Games."

Click here for the Discover Estevan story on their successful bid