Camera courtesy Voth's Countrywide Panasonic Lumix dmc-ts1

A good crowd turned out for the Relay for Life Launch last night in Swift Current.


The evening included songs from the Swift Current Children's Choir, a mini-luminary ceremony, and guest speaker Alicia Siemens, who is a cancer survivor.  Siemens says it's events like the Relay for Life, and the money it raises, that make it possible for the Canadian Cancer Society to do the work they do and offer the support they do to cancer patients and their families.


Last year, 32 teams raised over $97,000 at the Swift Current Relay for Life, and Committee Chairman Susan Resendes says organizers would love to top that this year.


This year's Relay for Life is on June 4th and 5th.  For more information, or to register a team, contact the Canadian Cancer Society office in the Wheatland Mall.