At the Women's World Curling Championship, not all eyes are on the ice.

Some of the curling fans attending the iPlex in Swift Current, take their love of the game to a whole new level.

"We've been Rider season ticket holders forever. At the ladies' World Curling in Denmark, we added a little bit of colour to it. We didn't know how people would receive it, or like it. It made people smile and just got bigger and bigger," said Yorkton's Hans Madsen.

Wearing a red Raggedy Andy wig and a beard painted as a curling house, Madsen and his wife Judy follow the women's curling team around the world.

"We curled a little bit when we were younger but we've know for many years now, we just do the ladies' curling- provincials, Scotties, the World's, slams," he said. "As per the men, it's more exciting on the ladies' side - more exciting, friendlier people and everything else."

Madsen says he hopes to attend next year's Women's World Curling Championship in Beijing.