Osten Poh

The Dairy Department, a program started by 11 year old Osten Poh back in 2013 continues to serve those in need.

The program provides dairy products to families who obtain support through the Salvation Army Food Bank.

Osten's mother Ramie Poh says the program is going very well.

"Osten has got just about $17,000 raised so far. $2500 alone in December. And $4500 in 2013. So he is doing really really well."

Ramie says going forward Osten would like to open the program up to serve more people.

"Well he has a goal of $2500 a year to sustain the program. Weve got almost $17,000 raised so far. What he wanted to do because he was putting alot of items in the food bank hampers on top of it, but what he would like to do is decrease the amount of items that are added to the hampers and opening it up to a wider range of people."

Those wishing to donate to the program can purchase a gift card to a local grocery store and drop it off at the Salvation Army.