November is Diabetes Awareness Month.

It is estimated that 97,000 people in Saskatchewan have been diagnosed with Diabetes, while many others have it and remain undiagnosed and a further 176,000 live with pre-diabetes.

Brie Hnetka is the Regional Director for the Saskatchewan Diabetes Association. She says Diabetes awareness is very important and that they have partnered with Pharmasave locations across the province for the past five years. She adds, "They have been selling Blue Circles in their stores all across the province, and actually in Manitoba as well, just to raise awareness for Diabetes Awareness Month. And you can purchase your Blue Circle at that store. And the Blue Circle is the sign  for International Diabetes."

Hnetka says that these Pharmasave locations in the province have raised up to $15,000 annually for Diabetes Camps for children. Children there learn how to manage their Diabetes and meet other children with the same issues.

Eighty children will attend camp this coming year.

You can purchase your Blue Circle at Pharmasave locations across Saskatchewan until the end of November.