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Mayor Jerrod Schafer pictured with Everett Anderson with the Ag And Ex.

Frontier Days 2014 kicks off today in Swift Current along with the city's Centennial Homecoming celebrations.

The weekend officially gets underway this morning with the WW Smith Insurance Centennial Breakfast at Market Square from 7:00am to 10:30am, and the burning of the Frontier Days Brand at 8:00am.

The gates at Kinetic Exhibition Park officially open at 4:00pm this afternoon, and the SaskTel Kiddies Day Parade also starts at 4:00pm from Memorial Park.

The fairgrounds are set up and ready to go after the heavy rain our area received last week.

"They're looking pretty good, there's a little water here and there and the grass is a bit soggy but it's drying up. Last night it was looking pretty good. If it does start to rain, wear your cowboy hat, get your umbrella out and come out to the grounds there's lots to see and there's lots of protection around there," said Lenora Bells with the Swift Current Ag

The livestock events start today with the 4-H Judging Competition and Clinic at 10:00am.

Tonight's Grandstand Entertainment has the Hunter Brothers and Emerson Drive performing at 8:00pm at the Credit Union iPlex instead of the fairgrounds due to impending rain. All pre-purchased tickets are still valid, and tickets can still be purchased at the iPlex.

The show is sponsored by Roberston Implements and all the proceeds will support a number of youth charities in the southwest.

"Proceeds from the Grandstand for tonight from Robertson Implements is going to the Center in Swift Current, the Swift Current Ag&Ex barn upgrades, Moose Jaw Joe's Place and Rock Solid in Shaunavon, come out and support the charities," said Tracey Stevenson with the Swift Current Ag & Ex.