
One of the cars damaged at the Roller Derby in Swift Current over the weekend

Photo courtesy of Paul Wong


A 25-year-old male is facing pending charges for vandalism in the washroom of the Credit Union iPlex during the Roller Derby event on Saturday.

He hasn't been formally charged and can't be named. Police say he is accused of vandalizing the towel dispenser in the washroom.

Swift Current RCMP are also investigating damage done to the windshields of two vehicles with Alberta plates left in the parking lot overnight. Sergeant Michelle Quinlan says the vehicles appeared to belong to players from the visiting rollder derby team.

If you have information about this or any other crime, please contact Swift Current City RCMP at 306-778-4870 or Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-8477, *8477 on Sask-Tel Mobility , text TIP206 plus your message to CRIMES (274637) or submit a tip online at

Interview with Sargeant Michelle Quinlan: