canada day ottawa

Canada Day Celebrations in Ottawa

A choir from the Swift Current Comprehensive High School will be representing Saskatchewan at the Canada Day Celebrations in Ottawa this year. The thirty students will be performing in a mass choir at the National Arts Centre three separate times in a group of over 400 students from across the country.

"It all started last May when I received a phone call saying that our choir had been chosen to represent the province, and so then we tried to get the parents and students on board and we started the fundraising right away to make sure this became reality," said Brianna Dennehy, Choral Director at the Comp. "One of them (performances) will be at the National Gallery of Canada, which will be very exciting because there is a van Gogh exhibit in right now, at Notre Dame Basilica as well as the Rotunda at Parliament."

The group will depart from Swift Current on June 28th for the five day trip that will not only include performing but also sightseeing.

Full Interview with Choral Director Brianna Dennehy