With a proclamation from the City, this week is officially Multi-Culturism Week in Swift Current.

Multiculturism is something that has always been a part of Canadian identity. With a range of histories ever present when speaking to folks who identify culturally with where their ancestors came from, be that European nations, South American nations, Oceanic and Asian nations, local First Nations tribes, or any other regional identity.

Multiculturism Week in Swift Current is from November 19 to 26. This week seeks to recognize the diverse array of people who are moving to the frozen north in these modern times.

Presenting the matter to Swift Current city council, was Bula Ghosh.

"Multiculturalism is more than ethnic song, dance and food," stated Ghosh. "It is about human dignity and respect for all."

This week the hope is for people to grow more aware of the different cultures present in the Swift Current community. To learn and educate about one's own culture, while indulging in the shared knowledge of a neighbour's culture and history.

Remarkably, 12.5 per cent of Saskatchewan's population are immigrants, with many being permanent residents. With each individual, comes a cultural background.

"Importantly, how we can remove barriers for participation and to make sure that everyone's contributions are really valued," highlighted Ghosh. "Saskatchewan Multiculturism Council Executive Director, Rhonda Rosenberg notes that Saskatchewan Multicultural Week is helping people to see the benefits of cultural diversity and the dangers of racism."

Taking part in multicultural activities, learning about people's differences and embracing them for their similarities and their unique attributes and beliefs, can help to expand Canada's strengths. Unifying the new with the existing only helps build a better now.