Shaunavon and District Music Festival Adjudicator, Gaye-Lynn Kern.

April 20th to 23rd is Shaunavon and District's 81st Annual Music Festival.

81 years is a huge accomplishment and Music Festival Association President, Wendy Thienes, says a big part of their success is the performers from all over the southwest.

"This is Shaunavon and District Music Festival, so we do draw on surrounding communities. Certainly they are a huge part and just as equally a part of this music festival as Shaunavon, so Frontier, Eastend, Gull Lake, Web, Brakken, Climax... We draw from all of those areas and so that is definitely what helps us," she said. "There's not a lot of opportunities these days for kids to perform these pieces that they've been working on so hard, maybe some are preparing for an exam, but it gives them a chance to perform for the public and receive some feedback."

Performances  at Centre Street United Church begin Monday morning at nine o'clock and go thru until the Final Concert Thursday evening.

Programs are available at Rexall Drugs in Shaunavon, Eastend Health and Gift Rexall and  G.R. Fresh Meats and Grocery in Frontier.

Thienes says over $4,000 in scholorships will be awarded by adjudicators Gaye-Lynn Kern and Wes Froese, with the proceeds from the event going towards future Music Festivals.