youth centre

The Swift Current Centre is looking for volunteers for their Community Youth Initiative.

The Centre is a great place to make new friends as well as have some fun in a safe, controlled environment, and it is open to all kids and teens ages 11-19. They could use volunteers to keep the Centre running smoothly.

"If you can chaperon a dance or even just hang around and observe thats's kind of what the volunteers do," said Director of the Initiative Jim Mcghee.

"We have some behind the bar that serve the pop and the chips and the bars and hand out the games, we have some in the coat check area. There is some that just monitor, walk around, some play table games. It's basically just having a presence here."

"We would love to get people to come out and if we can get them even once every 5 or 6 weeks to commit to a three hour shift, we're hoping to get enough so we can even open on Saturday nights as well just again to provide our youth with a safe and fun place to hang out."

Mcghee added volunteers can be anyone from high school students to parents to even grandparents, and if you are interested you can call 773-8168, and ask for Donna or Jim.


Full Interview with Jim Mcghee