
This week is "Take a Friend Snowmobiling Week" in Saskatchewan, where snowmobilers are invited to take friends and family who haven't been on a sled before out for some fun.

"It's a good opportunity for people who do snowmobile to talk to their friends and neighbours and say 'how about coming with us for an afternoon or the weekend and coming on a snowmobile ride, and seeing what it's all about an experiencing the great outdoors in Saskatchewan?'" said Chris Brewer, President of the Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association.

Brewer adds those hitting the snow this weekend need to take the necessary precautions, including making sure inexperienced riders are properly dressed and are wearing a helmet.

"Do a safety check with them before you put them on a snowmobile as a rookie," he added. "Make sure they are comfortable on a snowmobile, they know where the brake and throttle are, they know where the emergency switch is and know how to hook up the tether cord."

Brewer adds, as always, he reminds everyone to never drink and ride.