
This is Family Literacy Week, and one program that has helped young children improve their literacy is "Reading to a Dog" at the Swift Current Public Library.

The program, which allows children to practice their reading skills by reading to Talla the dog, started last month and proved to be so popular that the Library extended it into the new year.

"We are having lots of kids come out," said Andrea McCrimmon, Interm Branch Manager at the Library. "We've had some new kids coming out and some repeat customers, too. They just lover reading to Talla."

McCrimmon adds not only are the kids enjoying reading to Talla, but she has become much more comfortable with the program.

"Talla knows what to expect now," she added. "When she first started coming, she didn't quite know her way around the library, but now she just comes and sits right on the chair, and waits for the kids to come and read."

The program takes place Mondays from 4:00pm to 4:30pm. Ten-minute time slots are available, and can be booked by calling the Library at 306-778-2752.