Have you filed your taxes yet? That'll be a common question this weekend as the tax deadline approaches on Monday.

Like almost everything else in the world, digital is the way to go according to Randy Westerman, Communications Manager for the Canadian Revenue Agency. 

"Get it done as soon as you can," he said. "The tax programs you can use to complete your taxes to file online, you can find a list on our website of ones that are approved by CRA, and there are even some that are free, so the individual doesn't have to pay to use them."

Westerman says they've seen an increase an increase in the number of people using online file systems because it helps people to get them in on time and the programs are simple to use, allowing almost anyone to do their own taxes.

"Over the last few years, we've seen a large influx of people that have gone to the online file systems," he said. "Well over 90% of people that were filing online if they do file online they get their refund sooner, and the majority of people get a refund."

Westerman says it's actually better to file an incomplete or incorrect tax return, rather than miss the deadline since changes can be made after April 30th but if you don't file on time, you'll be faced with penalties.