(gold medal winning Switzerland)

(co-chair Kelly Schafer speaks at Sunday's closing ceremonies)

(what they were all playing for)

(all photos from swiftcurrentonline)

The Ford World Women's Curling Championship in Swift Current came to a close Sunday. 

What a party it was!! Over 52,000 people attended the draws and hundreds of volunteers worked tirelessly for months before and during the week to make it the MASSIVE success it was.

Congratulations to Switzerland who captured gold, Japan the silver, and Russia who took home the bronze by edging Canada.  A big shout out to all the teams for the way you battled all week and representing your countries so well.

To all the volunteers, sponsors, fans, media, and everyone involved: thank you...thank you...thank you!! We've once again shown the world, Swift Current knows how to host an event and throw a party!!

Let's do it again soon :)