
Brad Wall and Dwain Lingenfelter


NDP Leader Dwain Lingenfelter and Saskatchewan Party Leader Brad Wall took to the airwaves Tuesday night in the only televised debate of the election campaign. Although a couple of jabs were tossed by the two southwest products, they managed to keep it civil and focused on the issues.

During the closing debate, NDP Leader Dwain Lingenfelter pledged to move the province forward with his party's platform.

"I'm just absolutely excited about the potentials that this province has for the future,"said Lingenfelter. "One thing I'm determined to do is to get a better balance between those who have huge amounts of money and are becoming fabulously wealthy and the people who are trying to make ends meet,"he added.

Saskatchewan Party Leader Brad Wall took his last turn at the mic to highlight the provinces success in the last 4 years.

"In this election we're offering a plan to build on our record," said Wall.

"It's a vision that sees Saskatchewan at 1.1 million strong by 2015 and eliminating the debt. A province investing in healthcare and education in an affordable way," added Wall.

It was decided before the debate that only the NDP and Saskatchewan Party would take part, since they are they only parties with current election officials.

We head to vote November 7th.

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Click here for a replay of the debate