George Tsougrianis, Lionel Tootoosis, and Curtis Wiebe present Sandy Larson with the Swift Current Citizen of the Year Award

Camera courtesy of Voth's Countrywide Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS1

Former Swift Current Mayor Sandy Larson received a prestigious honour Friday night at the SCBex Awards Gala; she was named the Swift Current Citizen of the Year.


Larson, who was Mayor from 2003 through 2009, accepted the award on behalf of the city she led for six years.  She says, "Most people have a whole team behind them; I had a great City Council, and a great City Administration, and the citizens of Swift Current supported me.  They recognized the needs of this city when we did the iplex, when we did the hospital, when we did the waste-water treatment plant, and they supported me."


Larson adds that there are a few things she misses about being Mayor.  "I miss the people, I miss the activity, I miss the excitement of the City of Swift Current; it was a great job."  She added that the city is poised to become a major player in the province.  "We've only just begun; we're like the rest of this province, especially under the leadership of Premier Brad Wall; we've only just begun.  It's beyond our wildest dreams what we can do in the City of Swift Current."


Cecil Blanke, who was a key member of the Friends of Lac Pelletier Committee, was named the Southwest Citizen of the Year.