Instead of saying trick or treat, many young people with be asking for food donations on Halloween.

Swift Current Youth Ministries will be conducting a city-wide food drive this Saturday from 5:30 - 8:30 pm. All donations will go to the Salvation Army's food bank.

Youth Pastor at Trailview Alliance Church, Duane Reimer says the students collect a significant amount of food.

"For the three hours that we do the drive, we can get anywhere between 7000 and 8000 pounds just between that time period. The week or so after the food drive, there's always food that comes in," Reimer said.

For a quick pick up, residents can leave their food donations in a box outside the door. There will also be drop-off locations located at the Trailview Alliance Church parking lot, the i-Plex parking lot and the Southside Co-Op.