If you see flashing lights and strange manoeuvres tonight by the hospital, don't worry too much. 

Wood River Search and Rescue will be running some live training exercises, which may look a little strange from the casual onlookers' perspective. 

Wood River Search and Rescue trainer, Henry Korchalo, wants people to not worry if they see them running around with flashing lights that will look similar to that of emergency vehicles. 

"We are doing a basic 40-hour course, that's going on right now," said Korchalo. "They have to do practical searches and that's what we're doing tomorrow from 8:00 in the morning until about 10:00 in the evening."

Trainees will start their day by the Living Sky Casino, before heading over to the park space by Cypress Regional Hospital and École Centennial School.

The current course is undertaking its second practical training day. While most of the program is held over Zoom, they meet three times for in-person practices in order to ensure the training is taking effect and to get real practical experience. 

During the training, they learn about Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and even a Type 4 'evidence' search. 

While this current program is full, Wood River Search and Rescue will share publicly when they have openings for their next program.