Government of Saskatchewan

A strong initiative for high school students to stay in the province for their post-secondary education.

The government of Saskatchewan has authorized more than 4000 scholarships worth more than $2 million through the Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship Program, which will provide Saskatchewan students graduating and taking post-secondary education in the province $500 per year to a maximum of $2000 over 10 years and applied directly to tuition costs.

The program was launched April 1, 2012 and applies to nearly every education institute in Saskatchewan.

"This is a time where students don't have a lot of money," said Education Minister, Don Morgan on the thought process behind the scholarship, "plus it starts the programming where we want to keep those students in Saskatchewan, if we have them educated in Saskatchewan we may be able to keep them in Saskatchewan.  We have a labour shortage, and these are some of our best and brightest."

There are no strings attached with this scholarship, every student who applies and attends their school in Saskatchewan is granted the scholarship.

"This is the first year we've had it, it was an election campaign commmitment, and over 4000 students have applied and recieved the scholarship."

For more information on the scholarship or how to apply you can visit