The Holy Trinity School Division has sold the St. Joe's and St. Pat's school site's to the city at a cost of $1 each.

After no acceptable offers were previously received, Holy Trinity agreed to the sale and will be getting something in return as City Deputy CAO/CFO Tim Marcus explains.

"With a promise on the one site that at the end of the day if there's any net proceeds, that those would be shared with the school division. And on the other site, that at a future date if another separate school was needed we would provide in kind the same amount of land."

In terms of the use of the land, Marcus says the St. Joe's building will be demolished and after appropriate infrastructure is installed for future building, land developers will then be sought.

According to bylaw guidelines, any plans for development on the site must be presented to area residents in order to allow them to express suggestions or concerns.

While the building at the St. Pat's site may still be used, the green space will be used to replace a soccer field lost by the redevelopment of Irwin school as Marcus explains.

" Based on current usage by minor sports organizations in the city. That we need to replace that field and this site would lend itself to providing the soccer field that we lost."

Both the City of Swift Current and Holy Trinity are excited about this agreement.