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Despite the dry weather we've been experiencing, Swift Current's water reservoir is in good shape.

"It's a pretty typical year right now," said Patrick Boyle of the Water Security Agency. "The reservoir is currently sitting at 807.4 metres, while the full supply level in 807.72 metres - so fairly close to that. Barring any extreme weather events, we're not anticipating any issues with the reservoir."

He adds while Moose Jaw and Regina's water reservoir had quality issues due to algae problems, Duncairn Dam is in good shape.

"Water quality issues that stem from Buffalo Pound are pretty unique in that respect, no not something happening in other places. We've had no reports at this time of other issues," Boyle said.

Meanwhile, he Water Security Agency is advising the public about a reduction in outflow from Lake Diefenbaker in order to conserve water in the lake.

Starting  today, outflow from Gardiner Dam on the South Saskatchewan River will be reduced in an effort to conserve and maintain a certain level on the reservoir, following an early melt of a below normal snowpack in the mountains and lack of rainfall in the Alberta foothills this spring.