Today, April 8, is the International Pink Shirt Day, and while the events to mark it have been toned down in this era of physical distancing, the message about coming together as a community to end bullying remains the same.

Recently, students at Central School wrote and recorded a song with an anti-bullying message called "Come Together" with the help of local producer Ken Friesen and Saskatchewan singer-songwriter Jeffery Straker. The students had a chance to perform the song at a class assembly on the Red Cross Saskatchewan Day of Pink in February as well as at a fundraiser ahead of last month's Telemiracle 44, where many of those students performed as part of the Bucket Brigade.

Colin Powers talked with Celia Hammerton, the music teacher at Central School, about the song:

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Even though the schools are closed and we need to spend more time apart to help others right now, we're hoping that you can find your pink shirts and wear them proudly today to help share this message of coming together to end bullying in our communities.

If you have your pink shirts on today, share some photos with us and we'll add them to the blog! Send your picture by emailing us or share them on our Facebook and Twitter.