
The Ag. and Ex. held their annual meeting on Wednesday night.

Camera courtesy of Voth's Countrywide Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS1

2010 was a good year for the Swift Current Ag. and Ex. Association.


The organization held it's annual general meeting Wednesday night to look back on operations, events, and activities for last year.


Financially, the Ag. and Ex. is in solid financial shape, reporting a profit of over $176,000 on events and activities for 2010.


Vice-President Wade Jensen says they have been able to do a lot of work at Kinetic Exhibition Park and it would not be possible without the partnership with the city:



Jensen says they are looking forward to an exciting 2011 with the next major events being the trade show in March, and the annual Frontier Days this summer.


Bryce Burnett will return as President of the Ag. and Ex. Board for 2011 with Jensen remaining as Vice-President.