Last week the federal government unveiled its 2021 budget and the local MP believes it's just the Liberal Party posturing themselves for the next election.

Cypress-Hills Grasslands MP Jeremy Patzer said he wasn't exactly sure when that next election would come, however, he classified the budget as the Liberal's looking out for their next campaign instead of worrying about how the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"It's pretty clear that the government has one thing in mind and that's an election," he said Monday afternoon. "A lot of these things are measures that don't necessarily have short-term objectives."

The NDP has stated in the past they won't bring down the minority Liberal government while the pandemic is ongoing.

"So we will just see how long they will hold that end up," he said. "Conservatives and Bloc both voted against the government on many matters or on confidence issues."

One thing that the first-term MP didn't think should have been included in the budget was a large number of partnerships between the federal and provincial governments.

"When you look at provincial budgets across the country, they're all running deficit budgets and they don't have the cash available to enter into some of these partnership agreements with the federal government," he said. "So when we're looking at some of the bigger splashier items that's going to be a bit of a problem."

He went on to add that the Alberta government has already signalled that the childcare plan will be a problem for them.

Patzer was happy to see the federal government adjust some of their carbon tax rebate for the agriculture sector.

"What they're committing to is about $105 million they plan to use, I think it's called a carbon rebate for farmers so there's some instant cashflow going back on carbon taxes that are paid," he said. "I think part of that fund was to focus on lower emission-based grain drying is the way it was put."

The federal government is projected to run a deficit of $154.7 billion for the 2021-22 fiscal year.