
Market Square in Swift Current keeps improving.

This week, a local landscaping company, Rock Slingers, is installing rock walls in the the courtyard, providing an organic and aesthetically pleasing look to the downtown.

Rob Duncan with Rock Slingers explains the process behind this unique art form of rock carving.

"I always start off with a drawing of the area. I'll sketch it out and make sure that it looks kind of cool in the way that I have it planned. After I do that, I come in with a foam base and then I'll rough it out, and then we scratch and clad it in a carve coat and shape it to the way we want it," he said.

Duncan expects to be working at the Market Square site for another week and hopes to return and add more to the project.

"It's nice to have a little bit of a 'wow factor' when you come to any town. When you go downtown, you see their town square, large signs and stone work. It's nice to give Swift Current a little bit of that wow factor," Duncan said.  

Earlier this week, Mayor Jerrod Schafer announce the resignation of Swift Current's Chief Administrative Office, Susan Motkaluk. One of her crowning achievements for the City was the introduction of Market Square to the downtown. Each summer weekend, vendors, artists and people from the community attend the signature event.

To learn more about Rock Slingers, visit their website.


Crystal and Rob Duncan

