Drivers might have noticed.... school zones are busy again this week, and with this, SGI is asking drivers to "pass" through school zones, and to not "fail" to slow down.

Punmaster and Media Relations Manager with SGI, Tyler McMurchy said it's an open book test, of course.

"It's not a pop quiz that you didn't have time to study for," he said. "It just really tests your reading comprehension. The speed limit and times enforcement are always found right there in bright reflective signs as you entered the school zone, so it's there's no secret here, and there's no attempt to trick anyone."

"When you pass through school zones, don't fail," he iterated. "Drivers need to pay attention to those reduced speed limits and school zones. Otherwise they might have to learn an expensive lesson in the form of a costly school zone speeding ticket."

Last year, 23,541 tickets were issues by police across Saskatchewan for motorists speeding in school zones, and with those tickets came even more costly penalties.

"More importantly though, than the you know possibility of getting a ticket is the possibility of causing a collision that could seriously injure somebody," he noted. "And, of course, when we're talking about school zones, they tend to be occupied by kids. Kids are small. They as discussed, they don't always do what they're supposed to."

McMurchy says parents should teach their kids to cross at crosswalks and to not jaywalk, taking advantage of any pedestrian crossing light or a crossing guard to help them get across the street safely.