Special Olympics Swift Current had their AGM on Sunday, which featured an overview of the past year.

And Eric Lautsch, the community manager for Special Olympics Swift Current, said that overall it was a pretty exciting year.

"We had over 60 athletes involved with special Olympics here in Swift Current," he said. "We've competed in eight different sports throughout the year and took over 20 athletes to the provincial games in Moose Jaw this past June, and seven of them are progressing onto the National Games."

Of the seven athletes advancing to the National Games, five of them are bowlers and will be heading to Prince Edward Island, and the other two are swimmers and will head to Nova Scotia next June and July.

Lautsch said that the athletes are doing more than just competing.

"They gain a lot of experience and a lot of life skills that they don't get from their everyday lives," said Lautsch. "It's important for our athletes to be integrated into sport. It's a privilege that most people take for granted that their kids are in sports, and these people in our community deserve the same."

Lautsch said that the best moment of this year was preparing and taking the athletes to the provincial games in Moose Jaw and seeing all the athletes compete.

He added that this fundraising was a little slower than normal as they raised just over $13,000.

Lautsch said the biggest problem they face moving forward is finding volunteers and community space to run their programs.

"Find community space to use to run our programs, looking for gyms, looking for nights of the week to have our sports in a venue, so our athletes can practise just like all the athletes in the city," he said. "There is always a need for more volunteers, either running programs or supporting the coaches at the programs. We always want to have proper supervision of the athletes. Between the volunteers and physical space to run the programs are our biggest challenges we face."