Swift Current is welcoming the 10th annual wellness challenge back to the city, promoting healthy lifestyles for all individuals. 

The challenge is presented by the City of Swift Current’s Community Services Division and will run January 24 to February 20. 

In Motion Community Facilitator, Val Choo-Foo explains how the challenge works. 

“People can register a team, from whether it be their workplace, organization, family, friends,” she said. “The way to register is to email myself at v.choofoo@swiftcurrent.ca. Then what happens is each member is going to keep track of daily wellness points, and that's kind of the same as what we've done the last few years.” 

She adds that there will be a few changes this year, including a new area to keep track of points. 

“So, now it'll be nutrition, physical activity, water, sleep, and we're adding personal wellness,” she said. “So that would be things to improve mental health around meditation, mindfulness, reading, journaling. 

“There's a whole variety of things where we could gain some points. Other than that, very similar we’re keeping track of points so that we can see who has the most points at the end there's a grand prize for the team with the largest number of points.” 

Choo-Foo said that the response from the community has always been amazing and that every year it is exciting to see who will participate. 

For more information, contact Community Services at (306) 778-2787 or visit www.swiftcurrent.ca/wellnesschallenge.