The Southwest Emergency Youth Shelter is a local non profit, charitable organization with a long term goal of opening a youth emergency shelter in Swift Current for use by the southwest.

Chair of the organization, Bob Hale explains a new initiative they have introduced  to raise funds.

"What we have put together now is kind of a sponsorship program for businesses so that businesses can join with us on this project. We think it's a really worth while project and so businesses can join with us and be recognized as sponsors of the program with different levels of sponsorship."

Hale adds monetary values will determine the sponsorship level.

"Diamond sponsors for a twenty thousand dollar donation to us which includes business exclusivity. So if you become a diamond sponsor, your business will be the only business in your category. We also have platinum sponsorships, gold sponsorships and partners."

Twelve thousand dollars a year is required for a platinum sponsorship, five thousand dollars a year for a gold membership and two thousand dollars a year for a partner.

Hale says there is also an opportunity for a business to become the designated title sponsor when the shelter opens.